Malick Diouck with M. Ernese Ndiki (last on the right), supplier of industrial bottling machines.
Michele Carbone with Chiekh Abdou Salame Dienne.
Malick Diouck, DG Mistral International and Mr. Omar Cisse, DG Sky Vision. Distribution contract signed for Mistral products.
Meeting of July 18, 2020
Mr Omar Loucar, Chief of the Gendarmerie Bodyguard of the President of the Republic Maky Salle.
Ellier Thiam, director Trance Logistique.
Malick Diouck with the Deputy Prefect of Ndande and the Chief of the Gendarmerie of Kebemer.
Chiekh Mboup Aram By, specialist in photovoltaic systems.
Le Maire de Ndande Adama Fall avec Malick Diouck directeur Mistral International sarl et Chiekh Abdou Salame Dienne.
Mr Ouseynou Diaw, Touba Global Services director with the Chief of the Kebemer Gendarmerie.
Meeting of September 9, 2020
As the previous years, co founder Michele Carbone gave a lecture about our business at one of the most important universities of Italy, Università Cattolica. Carbone has talked about his experiences and insights, gained while managing the agribusiness, to students of the master program International Business & Economy and to entrepreneurs interested in exploring investment opportunities in the African continent.
March 12, 2021
We started to work on the road to our farm.
We do this together and we take each other into account.